What Are The Causes Of Torticollis And Can It Be Treated?

//What Are The Causes Of Torticollis And Can It Be Treated?

What Are The Causes Of Torticollis And Can It Be Treated?

“Torticollis” might sound like something out of a comic book series or a Harry Potter movie, but it’s actually a muscular condition that affects more than 1 percent of babies in the US.
It causes the neck to “twist” or “tilt” to one side. If left untreated, its effects can become permanent.

What are the Causes of Torticollis?

The cause of torticollis is unknown but some doctors believe that it could be related to abnormal positioning of the baby in the uterus. Because of this, the neck muscles of the baby become damaged, leaving a scar as they start healing.
This scar forces the muscles in the neck to “tighten.’ Torticollis usually affects first-borns, because first-time mothers have less space in their uterus.

What are the Symptoms of Torticollis?

If you suspect your child may have developed torticollis, make sure to look out for these signs:

  • Their head tilting to one side and the chin pointing towards the opposite shoulder. It’s usually the right side of the neck that gets damaged.
  • It’s difficult for the baby to move their head to the side. There is limited motion.
  • 6 weeks after your baby is born, you can feel a lump in their neck. This lump is not harmful and will go away within 6 months.
  • One side of your baby’s face appears “flat” because they sleep on that side.

What are Your Options?

Torticollis is not dangerous, so you don’t have to worry. But it can be extremely difficult to live with. Once a neurology specialist examines your baby and diagnoses them with the condition, they will create a treatment plan accordingly.

Physiotherapy can help immensely and will strengthen the weak muscles. Stretching exercises will also be recommended. Depending on the severity of the condition, your baby may require these exercises several times throughout the day.

However, if nonsurgical therapy does not work, your neurology specialist will recommend surgery. This will be the case if your baby has congenital muscular torticollis. Over 10 percent of babies with congenital muscular torticollis require surgery.

It’s important to remember that in this case, you can’t go with any kind of doctor. You need a specialist who focuses on treating movement disorders.

Dr. Farzin Pedouim offers specialized treatments for movement disorders such as torticollis. With more than 8 years of experience, he has helped thousands of parents find relief.
Feel free to contact us to book an appointment today!

By |2019-06-01T11:35:07-07:00June 1st, 2019|Blog|0 Comments