

Treatment for Tremors in LA

Tremor refers to rhythmic, involuntary muscle contractions that lead to shaking in different parts of the body. It is a movement disorder that commonly affects the hands but can also develop in the head, torso, legs, arms, and vocal cords.

Tremor can be constant or occur at different intervals throughout the day. It can also be a symptom of another disorder or can occur on its own.

Tremor isn’t life-threatening and is most commonly found in middle and older-aged adults. Tremors can also lead to embarrassing situations and at worst, interfere with the ability to carry out routine tasks.

According to Tremor and Other Hyperkinetic Movements, tremor affects around 7 million people in the United States.

We have yet to discover the cause for the majority of tremor cases. It is believed that some are caused due to problems in the region of the brain responsible for controlling movement. Other forms can also be inherited. Tremor is also caused due to stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, alcohol abuse, anxiety, kidney or liver failure, mercury poisoning, certain medications, or an overactive thyroid.

Symptoms of tremor include a shaky voice, difficulty in drawing or writing, problems controlling and holding objects such as utensils, and shaking in the head, arms, torso, legs, or hands. Certain cases of tremor trigger or increase in severity during times of physical exhaustion, strong emotions, stress, or during certain physical positions.

Common types of tremor include essential tremor, dystonic tremor, cerebellar tremor, psychogenic tremor, physiologic tremor, and Parkinson tremor.

Although most forms of tremor have no cure, there is a myriad of treatment options that help effectively manage the symptoms. Dr.Farzin Pedouim is a board certified neurologist based in Huntington Beach and Los Angeles. He uses Botox injections, medications, focused ultrasound, and surgical procedures to decrease the severity of the symptoms and help patients resume a normal and happy life.

Get in touch and see how we can help you.