Music And Parkinson’s Disease

/Music And Parkinson’s Disease
Music And Parkinson’s Disease2021-07-24T00:51:41-07:00

Music And Parkinson’s Disease

Music therapy has proven to help patients suffering from Parkinson ’s disease (PD). Music therapists are Board Certified and have the academic background to work with patients with PD and alleviate their symptoms.

People with PD who work with musical therapist see improvements in cognitive function, speech, movement and mental health.

Music therapy consists of participation in choirs, drumming programs and dance classes.

Music therapy helps individuals with PD I multiple ways that include:

  • Balance:People with PD have trouble maintaining balance. Music therapy helps improve balance by fixing posture and stride length. It also facilitates side-to-side movement.
  • Communication:Singing gives you greater control over articulation and volume. Therapists guide patients through humming exercises that relax vocal fold which have become tense.
  • Cognition:Individuals suffering from Parkinson’s dementia experience memory loss and cognitive decline. Listening and singling along to songs from their past can help pick up music cues and assist recall and improve attention span.
  • Mental Health:People with PD often have feelings of depression, anxiety and fatigue. Music allows them to combat such feelings and soothes them emotionally.
  • Social Isolation:Music therapy is usually carried out in groups. Working within a group allows patient reconnect with others and pulls them out of isolation.

Dr. Farzin Pedouim is a board-certified Neurologist and Movement Disorder Specialist in Huntington Beach and Los Angeles. He has years of experience in treating patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Parkinson’s Plus Syndromes and dementia.

Get in touch and see how we can help you.