How to Head Off a Migraine

//How to Head Off a Migraine

How to Head Off a Migraine

It begins from the sides of the head: either one side, or both. The pain is dull, throbbing, and gradually becomes severe to the point of being unbearable. Out of the most common diseases in the world, migraines come third, affecting every 1 in 7 people. This is a disease that’s even more prevalent than diabetes, asthma, and epilepsy—combined.

This frequency of prevalence means, of course, that there’s a lot of medication around that helps deal with migraines. These chronic headaches are a common complaint with doctors, and pharmacies are always well-stocked with the right prescription drugs to help manage them.

However, there are always times when you’re not around a medic or a pharmacy, and these are the worst times you could get a migraine—but don’t worry. There are many things you can do to keep migraines at bay, which we’re covering in this blog.

Retreat and Calm Down

When you first feel a migraine coming, stop whatever it is you’re doing. Turn off the lights around you since light sensitivity can make things worse. Find a quiet and dark room. Sleep if it’s possible. You can also try putting ice or hot packs on your neck or head. Where ice packs numb and helps dull the painful sensation, hot packs help with muscle relaxation. Drink warm tea or coffee. Caffeine helps with tackling pain.

Sleep Cycles

Irregular sleep cycles aren’t just a result of migraines—they can also be the cause of migraines. You should ensure that you have a proper circadian rhythm. Overall, ensure the following:

  • Regular, designated sleep hours: no more falling asleep wherever and whenever you can. Take a proper night’s rest and nap for no more than half an hour.
  • Relax before sleeping:unwinding can help relax muscles. Take a bath or read a book. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, heavy meals, nicotine, and heavy exercise before bed.
  • De-clutter:your bedroom should be a room where you sleep and nothing more. No TV, no work; nothing but an inviting and clear bed.


Eating habits can also lead to migraines.

  • Have consistent meals:designate a time for a meal and have your meals at the same time every day.
  • Don’t skip meals:fasting may lead to an increased risk of migraines.
  • Track your diet:keep a notebook in which you write down what you’ve eaten and whether the meal caused a migraine or not. This way, you can know which foods to avoid.
  • Avoid migraine-triggering foods:based on either the observations from your food diary or from a doctor, rip out all triggering foods from your diet. These might include alcohol, chocolate, etc.

Looking for a Neurologist in L.A.?

Dr. Farzin Pedouim is a neurologist and movement specialist in L.A. who can help with further diagnosis and treatment of your migraine. Dr. Farzin has a specialty from the University of California Irvine and a sub-specialty from Loma Linda University. You can make an appointment with him or find out more about treatment options for migraines here.

By |2019-07-15T07:55:57-07:00July 15th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments