Alternative Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

//Alternative Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

Alternative Therapies for Parkinson’s Disease

Studies show that people with Parkinson’s benefit from complementary and alternative therapies (CAM). These therapies slow down disease progression and alleviate symptoms. Around 40% of PD patients have used at least one kind of CAM therapy.

Alternative therapy encompasses a wide range of disciplines including chiropractic, acupuncture, aromatherapy, yoga, herbal remedies and many others.

Let’s look at some of the CAM therapies that are used to alleviate symptoms of Parkinson’s:


Alternative therapies like Yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation have all been found to be effective approaches for managing Parkinson’s disease. Research conducted by the Oregon Research Institute recruited 195 women and men who had moderate or mild Parkinson’s disease. After six months, patients who did Tai Chi were relatively stronger and had better balance. They also showed slower declines in overall motor control and significantly fewer falls.

Moreover, a research group in Hong Kong conducted a study to compare the effects of resistance training and yoga in people with PD. Measured outcomes resulted in improvement I then physiological and psychological health of people with PD who did yoga.


Studies indicate that acupuncture—a needle-based Chinese therapy—has significant positive effects when used in combination with conventional treatments for patients with PD. It has also been shown to reduce insomnia and depression in Parkinson’s patients.

However, investigators of clinical trials concluded that more research needed to be carried out to study the effects of acupuncture for Parkinson’s.

Herbal treatment

Herbal treatments have also been widely used for managing the symptoms of Parkinson’s. A study conducted by Amro and colleagues evaluated the effect of several herbs, including Ginkgo biloba and Chunghyuldan (CHD) in Parkinson’s patients. The study observed that CHD lowered neuronal damage and bradykinesia in PD patients.

Studies are also being conducted to evaluate the effects of cannabis in CAM therapies. The findings indicate that the only notable symptomatic effect of cannabis was improvements in mood and sleep.

Black cumin oil

Black seed oil or black cumin oil has been found to have a positive effect on psychiatric and neurological systems. Researchers have observed that Nigella Sativa showed a variety of positive pharmacological effects, including anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects. The black cumin should be cold-pressed and one hundred percent pure. It also regulates the immune system.

Dr. Farzin Pedouim is a leading Parkinson’s disease specialist in LA. He offers effective treatment and therapies to help improve PD symptoms.

Get in touch with him to book your appointment today.

By |2019-09-24T07:11:04-07:00September 24th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments