Tension Headache Disorder or Migraine? Here’s the Difference

//Tension Headache Disorder or Migraine? Here’s the Difference

Tension Headache Disorder or Migraine? Here’s the Difference

When you’re having a headache, it can be difficult to tell whether you’re experiencing a tension headache or a migraine. After all, both tension headaches and migraines can somewhat feel similar. They can be mild, moderate or severe in nature. They can be located on one side of the head or both sides of the head.

So how do you then differentiate between them?

Tension Headache vs. Migraine

One way to tell the difference between a tension headache and a migraine is that the latter can get worse progressively with even a slight physical exertion (such as when you walk up a stairs) or exposure to light or certain sounds or smells. Tension headache, in contrast, tends to be steadier.

Aside from that, a tension headache is often accompanied by pain in the neck or around shoulder area. In case of migraine, it’s just your head that “beats like a drum”.

This last sentence is very important and highlights another distinct feature of migraines:


When you’re experiencing a migraine, the pain feels like a series of regular beats. With a tension headache, it feels more like someone has wrapped a tight band around your head or has put a heavy weight on its top.

This difference, though, can be difficult to acknowledge and may not always be apparent.

What things trigger a tension headache and what things trigger a migraine?

A tension headache is almost always stress related. You could be going through a tough phase in your life, or you may be lacking sleep in general.

A migraine can be triggered by:

  • Weather changes
  • Hormonal changes
  • Certain smells
  • Gluten (if someone has true celiac disease)
  • Foods like citrus fruits, dairy products, peanut butter, and wine
  • Tiredness

Busting the myth: tension headache and migraine can coexist

You’ll hear some people say that they get “mixed” headaches.

There is no such thing as a mixed headache.

It’s either migraine or tension headache, and based on the discussion above, you can easily tell which type of headache you’re having.

Are you suffering from chronic headaches or persistent migraines?

At Movement Help, we treat TTH and migraine patients using a combination of treatment methods. Our medical center is located in LA, California. Get in touch with us today to schedule an appointment.

By |2019-11-26T10:11:41-08:00November 8th, 2019|Blog|0 Comments