4 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Parkinson’s Disease More Effectively

//4 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Parkinson’s Disease More Effectively

4 Lifestyle Changes to Manage Parkinson’s Disease More Effectively

Parkinson’s Disease (PD) affects approximately 60,000 Americans a year and 10 million people across the globe. It is a disease that affects nearly all aspects of a person’s life because it is a neuromuscular disorder that intensifies as the stages progress.

There are five stages of PD, with daily activities becoming tougher as the stages progress, and symptoms such as stiffness, tremors, and rigidity increasing. There is no cure for PD yet; however, Parkinson’s Disease specialists such as Dr. Farzin Pedouim offer various treatment modalities. There are also various recommended lifestyle changes that may help manage symptoms of the condition more effectively, including:

1. Improve your diet and nutritional intake

Parkinson’s, like many other health conditions, can be managed through improvement in diet and nutritional intake. You’d be surprised by how much of a difference it makes to have the right foods, which can naturally boost dopamine, reduce oxidative stress, and increase your intake of vitamins and important nutrients.

2. Work on resting, relaxing, recovering

Your body needs rest to help you recover from the stress your muscles and joints sustain, and even emotional and mental stress. Focus on getting a good night’s sleep, improving the quality of your sleep through minor and major modifications such as setting the right temperature, avoiding heavy meals, meditating, and relaxing before bed.

3. Manage stress and anxiety for better health

Stress is perhaps the worst thing you can do to aggravate your condition. It’s vital that you reduce the stress and anxiety that you experience in order to lead a healthier life with PD. There are different ways to do this through meditation, therapy, controlling the interactions you have with people, focusing on your hobbies, and much more.

4. Exercise and stay as active as possible

PD doesn’t mean you can no longer exercise or participate in physical activity. In fact, on the contrary, it’s excellent for your overall health and wellness to take up a sport or activity that you enjoy and can safely participate in, such as swimming, yoga, walking, and more.

There are several treatment options offered here at Movement Help, a leading Parkinson’s Disease specialist clinic in LA, that you can seek out. Reach out to us to learn more about our work or to schedule an appointment.

By |2021-04-13T12:39:12-07:00February 13th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments