How to Take Care of Someone with Parkinson’s?

//How to Take Care of Someone with Parkinson’s?

How to Take Care of Someone with Parkinson’s?

We are not natural caregivers; however, life can put us in a position where a loved one might need our medical care and attention. The more you educate yourself about their condition, the better it is. Let’s talk about the best ways to take care of someone with Parkinson’s:

Be honest

If you’re a caregiver for a loved one, the best you can do for them is to be as honest as you can. Don’t get into it if you’re not fully prepared for the role. An individual with PD doesn’t need someone forced into the job and doesn’t take their responsibilities seriously. It’ll only make a helpless patient feel worse. Have an open discussion with your loved one dealing with PD to learn more about the kind of help that they need.

Educate yourself

There is plenty of information on the internet that could help you be a better and more empathetic caregiver. Visit the National Parkison’s Foundation’s website and read up. John Hopkin’s website also has a great deal of literature to help you. Make sure you have access to accurate information. Read books about the said condition.

It always helps to be familiar with the symptoms and understand how the disease progresses. It’s essential to understand the fact that PD doesn’t manifest itself in the same way in everyone. It’s also a better idea to tag along to their medical appointments. Ask questions from the doctor on the patient’s behalf and inquire about how you can help.

Be observant

Observe the patient’s condition closely and see if their symptoms are changing over time. Watch out for any changes in their mood and other physical abilities. You need to report these to the doctor and ask for feedback. It’s also important to notice how the patient responds to any changes in the medication.


At the same time, approach any changes in their lifestyle and abilities with caution. For instance, if they always drove themselves to work and are unable to drive, you need to convey this very empathetically. Please don’t make them feel like they’ve lost a certain part of their everyday routine. Be kind and tell them how it’s better if you drive them to work, so they don’t get hurt. You can also seek help from a therapist to convey this advice.


Dr. Farzin Pedoium is one of the most renowned PD specialists in Los Angeles. The doctor has undergone multiple fellowship trainings in the field of Parkinson’s and helps caregivers lend appropriate help to those who need it. Get in touch!

By |2021-07-01T09:42:09-07:00May 29th, 2021|Blog|0 Comments